GSL have undertaken several recent projects centered around the concept of the re-grind optimisation with respect to metallurgical and milling performance. Optimisation of grind size and mineral liberation is key to final metal recoveries and concentrate grades, the financial benefits of fine tuning grind size can therefore be huge. GSL implicitly understand the importance of this, and as such offer service packages investigating optimal re-grind size, producing results that provide real value to their customers.
A Combination of GSL qualified metallurgists, and close ties with the highest quality quantitative mineralogy suppliers, allows GSL to offer market leading mineral liberation studies. The application of these studies to re-grind optimisation combined with the use of GSL collection of laboratory scale re-grind technologies, including Ball Mills, Metso SMD’s, IsaMill, and Metso VERTIMILL, produces service packages that are second to none.
For more information, or to discuss these and other GSL services please contact our team