SMD Research into Grinding Media Optimisation

Here at GSL, we are always looking to increase our understanding of fine and ultrafine grinding so that we can offer innovative solutions for stirred milling performance optimisation.  Recently we have been busy carrying out SMD research investigating media selection and grinding performance, particularly focusing on blends of ceramic grinding media.  Any impact on grinding performance in stirred milling will, of course, affect mineral liberation and metallurgical performance, therefore optimising power draw, grind size and media wear will have a significant impact on downstream processing.

Our SMD research programme has started with a series of tests carried out in our new lab facility.  We have investigated the impact of ceramic grinding media size and size distribution, including blends of different media.  Open circuit tests allow for wear rate to be determined.

Although each process has its own criteria and requirements, our aim is to find the most effective media size or blend of media sizes to achieve the desired grind size with the minimum amount of wear on the media.

We have also been very busy with a number of other fine grinding projects, including ceramic media testing using our Netzsch LME4 horizontal stirred media mill.

SMD stirred mill (2)SMD.1Netzsh


