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Scoping / PEA

Preliminary Economic Assessment

Every metallurgical test programme we product is tailored to the client requirements and deposit type. The summary below provides some starting points for consideration. If you would like to discuss building a bespoke programme of work for your project, please contact us.


Establish whether the commodity recoverable to saleable concentrate


Generally utilises a number of composite samples per domain (e.g. Oxide, Supergene, Hypogene)


Conduct a basic suite of tests which may include:

  • Mineralogy – Characterise the ore, modals, grain sizes, associations, theoretical grade vs. recovery curves
  • Gravity, Leach, Flotation, Magnetic Characterisation tests (depending on the commodity) – reviewing crush/grind sizes, reagent type and consumption, magnetic field strengths
    • For Gravity projects, Gravity Release Analysis followed by bulk table testwork at selected grind size(s)
    • For Flotation projects, basic tests reviewing grind size, reagents and cleaning, culminate with a Locked Cycle Test to provide indicative grades and recoveries
    • For Tank Leaching projects, define dissolution rate and recovery levels against grind size and solids content range, carbon-in-leach (CIL) vs. carbon-in-pulp (CIP)
    • For Heap Leach projects, crush size comparison against leach rate and overall recovery
    • For Magnetic Separation projects, establish the correct field strength for recovery of the given mineral, davis tube testing
  • Preconcentration testwork – Heavy liquid testwork, indicative proxy test for dense media separation and ore sorting
  • Bond Work Index to provide indicative ore hardness information
  • Recommend conducting flocculant screening and a settling rate test to obtain basic tailings thickener sizing data
  • Recommend conducting Net Acid Generation (NAG) / Acid Base Accounting (ABA) Testing for baseline environmental testing

Next phase: Pre-Feasibility Studies (PFS)
